
Last performance works.


Free version of the work of Cathy Berberian, composed in 1966, with the collaboration of comic book artist Roberto Zamarin.
In the first instance it was worked as a soloist, then we made a solo and chorus version with Las O.

We guide the work by taking some reflections in relation to the immaturity and value of the unfinished forms in art and thought. Gombrowicz says "the more we move away from the Form, the more we submit to its power. Mysterious contradictions, contrasts "... As Berberian puts in tension, plays and "deforms the form" of the conventional ways of the cultured music and of the song understood as "bel canto", we intervene this work, originally composed for soloist, taking it to the space, giving place to the body, to a set of sound bodies that also stress and question these traditional modes of music. In this new adaptation of Berberian's work a choir appears that replicates, contradicts, imitates, ignores, entries and exits of the formal codes. We are interested in playing the contradictions between intellectual academic-musical formation and ruptures-deformations in voices and bodies.

From humor, irony in dialogue with the score as a partner. The composition of this performance, based on the improvisations of Cathy Berberián, allows us to express in a rigorously organized structure a broad palette of sounds based on the technique we explore. In this work we use bodily, organic, animal sounds, with harmonics, we experiment at the ends of the record, we work with percussive, co-vibrating voices and with the experience of sound in its quadraphonic, spatial and enveloping character. The space, mutant surface, place of doubtful geography among the scores, soloist and choir, is configured as a place for a "sung dancing" experience where body conformations and deformations are inseparable from the living, unrepeatable and situated sound experience of the voice human in its enormous diversity.

Así Sucesivamente

Así Sucesivamente- Las O. Performative work from the text of Samuel Beckett "Not I"

Thus, it is a chamber work that includes texts and songs in six voices inspired by the Beckett poetic of the fragment, the interrupted and the "despalabra". The work constructed from the confluence of languages (theater, music and dance) creates a continuity with the sound line that addresses the text which is also interrupted randomly with fragments of song and sequences of movement, taking here and there some signal or dislocating the direction in an opposite way.

“Quien quiera oír que oiga…”
La obra “así sucesivamente” es una obra en expansión con la que trabajamos desde 2016, y que hemos presentado en contextos muy diversos, tales como salas de teatro independiente y oficiales, encuentros, congresos universitarios, contra congresos, festivales de música contemporánea, espacios de dialogo con intelectuales y psicoanalistas. De este modo, es un material en que venimos investigando y experimentando transformaciones, preguntas y reflexiones que nos ha permitido desarrollar y fortalecer un abordaje muy singular del cuerpo y la voz en escena que consideramos es una propuesta novedosa en relación a la producción escénica local.

Folk Songs
Luciano Berio

Omaggio a Berio concert Tribute to composer Luciano Berio
Cycle of songs "Folk Songs" for solo voice and ensemble: harp, cello, viola, transverse flute, clarinet and percussion.

The songs were performed performatively, seeking to personify both the timbre of the voice and the gestural and expressive body, a different woman for each song. Through the Game with the same element on stage, song after song, we sought to achieve an instantaneous transformation from one woman to another, from one sound landscape to another.

Stage direction and vocal preparation: Clelia Romanutti General Direction: Boris Alvarado Assistant director: Hernán Morales Instrumental Ensemble: Natalia J. Corso (Recorder Flute), Romina Genari (Clarinet), Sofia Celiz (Harp), María Verónica Fernandez (Cello), Roxana Villavicencio and Gregorio Bofelli (Percussion), Alejo Moreno (Viola) Coordination and logistics: Maria Victoria Asurmendi and Hernán Morales

other projects

mujer - pájaro


españa en sombra de duendes

Devenir sonido húmedo