
El Territorio de la Voz

Mainly intended for actors, singers, instrumentalists and dancers (or students of ...) who have an interest in deepening the work with the voice, the expressive movement and the stage presence. It is also open to professionals who use the voice as a work tool (teachers, speakers, etc.) and the general public. In this seminar the participants will be able to experience the corporal conscience and the voice from the concept of muscular tone and sound vibration as experience of yes, in a group becoming that privileges the "recently come". New associations between artistic fields and ways of solving the seemingly unconnected and random. The work methodology takes as its main axis el Cuerpo Sonoro Technique, which seeks to articulate the work of the voice, body and listening. To do this, we work with some principles of human voice training that are nourished by different techniques of conscious body work (Eutonía, Feldenkrais Method, Sistema consciente para la técnica del Movimiento by Fedora Aberastury, Naturaleza de la Fuerza Technique by Roxana Galand ), the voice theater "Roy Hart Theater" and the dance (Butoh dance and dance theater).

In the experience, we work with different dimensions: - the phonic dimension as an experience of oneself, What is my true voice? How many other possibilities to sound, to sing? Where is the voice locked? - the perceptual referred to listening How do we perceive ourselves? Are there other ways of being, of feeling, of living, of be? Is it possible to change our internal, body perception mode? If this is possible: can we also change the way we contact the others and with the natural environment? What can a body, a voice? - the co-vibratory experience, in relation to the other. That, MY VOICE, is the same one that the other receives? What the other listens is the same What do I hear sound on me? Can I transform the listening quality of my voice with my voice? other? Can the quality of listening to the other transform my voice? An emotional, enveloping voice is sought, which is folded, folded and deployed in the body. Voices are explored that go beyond the limits of classification by registers. A human voice that admits and requires fissure, rupture, natural sounds: yawns, sighs, roars, screams, whispers, gasps, silence. When saying of Quignard (Butes), "the sounds pillars of human experience could be summarized basically in four: the sounds of birth, intercourse, the animal voice and the final expiration. "

